Friday, August 3, 2012

I have 3

I am so bad.  I did not blog the whole time I was there.  My cycle was looking so good, then it was looking just ok. 

They retrieved 6, 4 fertilized and 3 are frozen.  This cycle might have been just as good as the one I converted into an IUI.  I knew I would end up with 3 because I had two follicle that were 22 and one that was a 13 or something.  We did polar body testing. 

I asked to do co-culture because I wondered if it might do my eggs good and I knew that I wouldn't be pushed to blast.  The embryologist didn't think it made much of a difference in the growth and quality of my eggs.  He thought my eggs looked really good - none of that really matters because it's what inside that counts.  I will find out the results in late August.

I've been crazy tired since returning.  I had a dream this week that I was 20 weeks pregnant with a boy.  I love having baby dreams! 

I hope my dream comes true.   



  1. Wishing you the very best of luck!!

  2. Goldie, 3 is great! I'm glad that reading my story gave you some hope - honestly, it couldn't get much more dismal than my results. I only ever made 3 eggs at a time and I only got 3 embryos total after 3 cycles! And now look where I am! So I am living proof that miracles CAN happen - best of luck to you, I am wishing you a lot of luck with this cycle!

  3. Fingers crossed Goldie!!!

  4. Update please!!! Fingers crossed for you! ;)

  5. Josey,
    Thanks for checking-in. Still waiting...
