Friday, November 25, 2011

I'm back

I had the D & C and everything has been ok.  I had spotting for two weeks then everything stopped.  I had my two week follow-up appointment and everything seemed ok.  My OB did not do an ultrasound just an examination.  I haven't had the crazy emotional experience I had with a previous early miscarriage.  I've been teary off and on and a little in disbelief.  

Mostly, I feel thankful for having an opportunity to carry a baby even if only for a short period of time.  It was amazing seeing a heartbeat, even if it wasn't perfect.  I loved that my breasts were swollen, that I had horrible heartburn and was sleepy.

There is not a day that goes by where I don't think about how lucky I am.  I have a husband that supports my journey, an egg, and the resources to pursue IVF. 

I had my follow-up with Dr. S.  He thought the miscarriage was a fluke.  He encouraged me to talk to someone in their DE program.  I told him about RBA and he looked them up while I was on the phone with him.  He thinks I would have better success with CCRM. 

We are leaning toward another ER with CCRM.  I was at peace moving forward with DE until this cycle.  Now I am giving myself one more shot.  I really need closure before moving forward.  I am preparing for both.  I am busy testing and filling out paperwork.  We are going to pay the DE deposit.  I'm hoping to have the ER and begin gearing up for an ET with OE or DE.  Working with two out of town agencies should be fun.  You should see my kitchen table.  It is stacked with paperwork and multiple to do lists. 

I'm wondering how I will endure the holidays?  Last year I was fine.  I'm hoping the same for this year.           

Because I cannot leave comments for some weird reason -
Just a girl - Don't forget to bring your camera.  We took a picture of our little one and it was so cool to look at.  After the transfer I would just stare at it in disbelief.  I wish you all the best!


  1. You have had to go through so much. I admire your strength.

  2. I can't even imagine the emotional roller coaster you've been on for the past month (or nearly 2). :( I'm glad you're feeling confident about trying another cycle with CCRM though. I so hope this next cycle will be it for you! Good luck muddling through the paperwork. :P

  3. Thanks for the kind words I will be sure to do that. You sound like you are doing better, I am sure it still hurts but I too am glad you are going to give it another try. You have been through so much and sometimes that's what us IF have to do to get our baby. It's not fair and it's not easy but I know you will make it through it all.

  4. I am amazed at your resilience - it's an inspiration. I really hope whichever way you decide to go that you have success!

  5. I have been thinking about you. Thanks for the update. I cant even imagine. I am glad to see you strong and not giving up. Good to see you on a plan and a path forward. Cant wait to hear more about your upcoming cycles.

  6. I'm glad to hear that things are moving forward for you. I hope that your next cycle at CCRM is successful. I admire your strength and resiliance.

  7. I'm really glad to hear that you have a plan. Having next steps in place helped me move on when I failed my IVFs. I'm rooting for your next cycle! I agree with Dr. S and think that you'll have success!

  8. Hey good to hear from you! I am in just amazed at your grace to handle such a painful loss. Looking forward to being there for you in whatever you decide.

  9. Hi! Just passed on an award to you. You need not sweat yourself much about it. It's just for fun. Hope to know more about you. I wish you well...
