Monday, February 7, 2011

DE meeting and Pregnancy news

Sunday was eventful.

We had our meeting with the counselor to make sure we were OK to be DE parents.  I think we passed!  It was a very basic meeting.  The one thing we touched on and have not made a decision about is whether or not to tell.  Everyone has their reasons for telling or not telling.  I'm leaning towards not telling anyone in our family before the baby is born.  I want them to fall in love with their family member and then if, and when the time is right, tell the child first and then tell family.  I think a decision on when to tell will be hugely based on the child's personality and when the time feels right. 

I come into this situation with baggage.  I'm adopted and I would often over hear family members talk about how I wasn't "really a family member" because my Dad adopted me.  Kids have radar ears...  I survived, but it did make me feel less like a "real" part of the family.  I always felt like I was an outsider.  I never felt like I had "real parents".  I should disclose that my mother was my "real" mother and she is not in anyway nurturing or loving.  I never felt this way with my half-siblings who I consider my siblings.  I don't look anything like them, but we are very close.  Our family situation is messy.

On the family front, my sister announced she is expecting.  This will be her second child.  She is a wonderful mom.  Getting pregnant and staying pregnant in our family is not easy so I consider this a blessing.    


  1. If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.

    Isn't it amazing how hard it is for adults to follow their own advice? I can't believe anyone would ever say a child wasn't as much a part of a family b/c of adoption. Awful.

  2. I can't believe how some people can be so insensitive, especially around children. I think the question of telling or not is deeply personal, and either way is perfectly acceptable. Congrats to your sister, and kudos to you for handling the news with grace. Your time is coming!

  3. It is amazing how you revisit the past when considering your future. I don't really like to think about my past. I'm happy in my life and my life experiences shaped who I am today.

  4. Hey Goldie...disclosure for DE parents is a very personal thing. Just remember we don't have to figure it all out right now...such decisions will come to us in time.

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